Mo - Sa: 8:30 - 17:30

Hradiště 94/14, Ústí n.L.

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Best rates at Ústí region


VIP rates

Exchange rates

All exchanges are done with 0% commission, that means without any fees.

Normal exchange rates

Unit We Buy
We Sell
EUR EUR 1 25.00 CZK 25.39 CZK
USD USD 1 23.50 CZK 24.49 CZK
GBP GBP 1 30.00 CZK 30.59 CZK
CAD CAD 1 16.50 CZK 17.30 CZK
JPY JPY 100 15.30 CZK 16.99 CZK
CHF CHF 1 26.50 CZK 27.29 CZK
AUD AUD 1 15.00 CZK 15.99 CZK
DKK DKK 1 2.35 CZK 3.40 CZK
NOK NOK 1 1.80 CZK 2.30 CZK
SEK SEK 1 1.80 CZK 2.35 CZK
PLN PLN 1 5.80 CZK 6.05 CZK
BGN BGN 1 12.00 CZK 14.15 CZK
HUF HUF 100 6.20 CZK 6.50 CZK
EGP EGP 1 0.30 CZK 1.10 CZK
NZD NZD 1 12.00 CZK 15.89 CZK
RON RON 1 4.20 CZK 6.89 CZK
TRY TRY 1 0.40 CZK 1.49 CZK
AED AED 1 5.00 CZK 6.80 CZK
UAH UAH 1 0.30 CZK 0.75 CZK
Last update: 05.12.2024 17:06

VIP exchange rates

Unit We Buy
We Sell
EUR EUR 1 25.02 CZK 25.29 CZK
USD USD 1 23.55 CZK 24.39 CZK
GBP GBP 1 30.05 CZK 30.50 CZK
CAD CAD 1 16.52 CZK 17.25 CZK
JPY JPY 100 15.40 CZK 16.89 CZK
CHF CHF 1 26.52 CZK 27.10 CZK
AUD AUD 1 15.02 CZK 15.90 CZK
DKK DKK 1 2.36 CZK 3.38 CZK
NOK NOK 1 1.82 CZK 2.29 CZK
SEK SEK 1 1.82 CZK 2.33 CZK
PLN PLN 1 5.82 CZK 6.04 CZK
BGN BGN 1 12.10 CZK 14.10 CZK
HUF HUF 100 6.25 CZK 6.49 CZK
EGP EGP 1 0.32 CZK 0.99 CZK
NZD NZD 1 12.01 CZK 15.88 CZK
RON RON 1 4.30 CZK 6.88 CZK
TRY TRY 1 0.45 CZK 1.45 CZK
AED AED 1 5.10 CZK 6.75 CZK
UAH UAH 1 0.40 CZK 0.70 CZK
Last update: 05.12.2024 17:06

Rates calculator

TIP: Here you can calculate how much you will get in exchange. First enter the amount and choose the currency, then choose what you need to do with the amount (sell, buy...), then click Calculate. If you have a VIP card, you can activate the VIP rate. If you leave it on Automatic, it will switch itself as soon as the amount exceeds CZK 50.000.

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VIP rates:


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About Us

We are operating in the Czech Republic for over 10 years, both in Teplice and in Ústí. We offer you services of currency exchange and marginally in the tourism industry.

We strive to provide the highest quality service and keep our rates low.


Exchange Ústí n. L.

Hradiště 94/14

Office location

Hradiště 94/14,
400 01 Ústí nad Labem,
Czech Republic
[Open map...]

Opening hours

Mo - Sa: 8:30 - 17:30

Terms and Conditions

Opening hours

Our exchange office is open according to the stated working hours. Working hours may be limited during the Christmas holidays and during special regulations.


For your safety, we have a regular counter and a secured VIP box in the premises. All premises are continuously monitored by a camera system with recording. If you feel that the exchange did not go as it should, you can contact us to obtain a record of the transaction.

Currency exchange

We do not exchange or pay foreign currency coins. Amounts in CZK are always rounded to whole crowns, downwards when buying and upwards when selling currencies. Exchanges CANNOT be paid by a bank card.

Legal terms

Our employees regularly attend training sessions of the Czech National Bank, and are obliged to comply with the CNBs legal regulations. For exchanges over €1,000 (or equivalent), a valid ID card is required from the customer. Without this identification, the exchange cannot be made. Identification with a VIP card does not replace the ID card. Exchange terms

VIP Terms

  • You get the VIP rates automatically, with every exchange over CZK 50.000 or the equivalent of a foreign currency.
  • If you print the VIP coupon, you will get VIP rates starting from CZK 1.000!
  • For an exchange over CZK 50.000, you can apply for the VIP-card, with which you can make any other exchange for the VIP rates.

  Printable VIP coupon